761. <The religion toolkit = religion toolkit>
Author: / John Morreall, Tamara Sonn.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)
Classification :
762. The roots of reading comprehension instruction / P. David Pearson -- The development of children's reading comprehension / Scott G. Paris and Ellen E. Hamilton -- In search of the "simple view" of reading comprehension / James V. Hoffman -- Identifying and describing constructively responsive comprehension strategies in new and traditional forms of reading / Peter Afflerbach and Byeong-Young Cho -- Helping readers make sense of print : research that supports a whole language pedagogy / Kenneth S. Goodman and Yetta M. Goodman -- The role of cognitive flexibility in reading comprehension : past, present, and future / Kelly B. Cartwright -- Ways of meaning making : sociocultural perspectives on reading comprehension / James Gavelek and Patrick Bresnahan -- Transactional theory and critical theory in reading comprehension / James S. Damico, Gerald Campano, and Jerome C. Harste -- Grounding reading comprehension in the neuroscience literatures / George G. Hruby -- Text comprehension : a retrospective, perspective, and prospective / Emily Fox and Patricia A. Alexander -- Disciplinary comprehension / Cynthia Shanahan -- The agency and artistry of meaning makers within and across digital spaces / Robert J. Tierney -- Comprehension and computer technology : past results, current knowledge, and future promises / Michael L. Kamil and Helen Kim Chou -- Motivation and reading comprehension / Samuel D. Miller and Beverly S. Faircloth -- Vocabulary and reading comprehension : the nexus of meaning / James F. Baumann -- Cognitive strategy instruction / Janice A. Dole, Jeffery D. Nokes, and Dina Drits -- Metacognitive processes and reading comprehension / Linda Baker and Lisa Carter Beall -- Self-regulated comprehension / Dixie D. Massey -- Formal and informal measures of reading comprehension / Lauren Leslie and Joanne Caldwell -- Assessing comprehension of young children / Katherine A. Dougherty Stahl -- Approaches to teaching reading comprehension / Taffy E. Raphael ... [et al.] -- Comprehension and discussion of text / Janice F. Almasi and Keli Garas-York -- Comprehension instruction in kindergarten through grade three / Cathy Collins Block and Jan Lacina -- Developing higher order comprehension in the middle grades / Ruth Wharton-McDonald and Shannon Swiger -- Improving adolescent comprehension : developing comprehension strategies in the content areas / Mark W. Conley -- Comprehension difficulties among struggling readers / Richard L. Allington and Ann McGill-Franzen -- Reading comprehension and diversity in historical perspective : literacy, power, and native Hawaiians / Kathryn H. Au and Julie Kaomea -- Culturally relevant pedagogy and reading comprehension / Colleen M. Fairbanks ... [et al.] -- Reading comprehension and English language learners / Kathryn Prater -- Family literacy and reading comprehension / Patricia A. Edwards and Jennifer D. Turner -- Improving comprehension instruction through quality professional development / Misty Sailors -- Public policy and the future of reading comprehension research / Cathy Roller -- Where to from here? : themes, trends, and questions / Gerald G. Duffy ... [et al.]. 0
Author: edited by Susan E. Israel, Gerald G. Duffy.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)
763. The superpowers -- "The Arabs are coming!" -- "Jihad!" -- The co-opted caliphate and the stumbling Jihad -- The year 711 -- Picking up the pieces after Rome -- The myth of Poitiers -- The fall and rise of the Umayyads -- Saving the popes -- An empire of force and faith -- Carolingian Jihads: Roncesvalles and Saxony -- The great mosque -- The first Europe, briefly -- Equipoise--delicate and doomed -- Disequilibrium Pelayo's revenge -- Knowledge transmitted, rationa
Author: David Levering Lewis.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)
764. The traditional problem of evil: suffering and evil actions -- Another problem of evil: divine hiddenness -- Miracles as a problem of evil -- The ignorance defense -- Identifying, interpreting, and certifying revelation -- Should God's power be understood as omnipotence? -- A process Christian theism and the problems of evil. 0
Author: James A. Keller.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)
765. Thinking about women :
Author: Margaret L. Andersen, University of Delaware.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Feminism-- United States.,Feminist theory.,Social change.,Social institutions-- United States.,Women-- United States-- Social conditions.,Feminism.,Feminist theory.,Social change.,Social institutions.,Women-- Social conditions.,United States., 7
Classification :
766. This Show Was Religious?!:
Author: Charlotte Howell
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: ",Fandom,Religion & Society,Religious Studies,Social Sciences,Sociology of Religion,Television
767. U162
Author: by Michael Howard and Robert Hunter.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)
768. Varieties of an Atheist Public in a Digital Age:
Author: Jack C. Laughlin
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Atheism,Counterpublics,Humanism,Internet,Publics,Religion & Society,Religious Studies,Secularism,Social Sciences,Sociology of Religion
769. Vol. 1 originally published in 1951 under the title: Die Mythologie der Griechen. Die Götter und Menschheitsgeschichten; v. 2 originally published in 1958 under title: Die Heroen der Griechen. (Die Heroengesc
Author: [Von] Karl Kerényi.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)
770. Westport, Conn. :
Author: John J. Butt.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)
771. What rogue nations pose a serious threat? -- Iran poses a serious threat / Ilan Berman -- Iranian threat is overs
Author: Louise Gerdes, book editor.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)
772. When care cannot cure: medical problems in seriously ill babies -- A Modern myth: that letting die is not the intentional causation of death -- The Abnormal child: moral dilemmas of doctors and parents -- Right to life of handicapped -- A Definition of irreversible coma -- Is the sanctity of life ethic terminally ill? -- Life past reason -- Dworkin on dementia: elegant theory, questionable policy -- The note -- When self-determination runs amok -- When abstract moralizing runs amok -- Listening and helping to die: the Dutch way -- Rescuing lives: can't we count? -- The Allocation of exotic medical lifesaving therapy -- Should alcoholics compete equally for liver transplantation? The Value of life -- How age should matter: justice as the basis for limiting care to the elderly -- Quality of life and resource allocation -- A Lifespan approach to health care -- Why give to strangers? -- Organ donation and retrieval: whose body is it anyway? -- The Case for allowing kidney sales -- The Survival lottery -- Ethics and clinical research -- Equipoise and the ethics of clinical research -- The Patient and the public g
Author: edited by Helga Kuhse and Peter Singer.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)
773. Where men are wives and mothers rule :
Author: Mary Ann Clark
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Santeria,Cuba, Religious life and customs, 0
Classification :
774. White Too Long:
Author: Osborne, Rachel E.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: American studies,Religion,Sociology
775. White Too Long: Christianity or Nationalism?
Author: Osborne, Rachel E.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: American studies,Religion,Sociology
776. With her in Ourland :
Author: Charlotte Perkins Gilman ; edited by Mary Jo Deegan and Michael R. Hill ; with an introduction by Mary Jo Deegan.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Gilman, Charlotte Perkins,1860-1935., With her in Ourland.,Gilman, Charlotte Perkins,1860-1935., With her in Ourland.,Gilman, Charlotte Perkins., With her in Ourland.,Feminism and literature-- United States-- History-- 20th century.,Sex role in literature.,Sex role, Fiction.,Social problems in literature.,Social problems, Fiction.,Women and literature-- United States-- History-- 20th century.,Women, Fiction.,Féminisme et littérature-- États-Unis-- Histoire-- 20e siècle.,Féminisme, Romans, nouvelles, etc.,Femmes et littérature-- Espagne-- Histoire-- 20e siècle.,Femmes, Romans, nouvelles, etc.,Problèmes sociaux dans la littérature.,Problèmes sociaux, Romans, nouvelles, etc.,Rôle selon le sexe dans la littérature.,Rôle selon le sexe, Romans, nouvelles, etc.,Feminism and literature.,Sex role in literature.,Sex role.,Social problems in literature.,Social problems.,Women and literature.,Women.,United States., 7
Classification :
777. Women, Religion, and the Gift
Author: edited by Morny Joy
Library: Central Library of Imam Khomeini International University of Qazvin (Qazvin)
Subject: Philosophy,Religion,Philosophy, Asian,Religion and culture,Philosophy,Non-Western Philosophy,Sociology of Culture,Religious Studies, general
Classification :